=>Sound Room: On the title screen, hold [L]+[R]+B and push [START].
=>Energy Refill Tip: In a dungeon, find a location that previously held a
treasure chest, stand there and spin in circles until the spirit energy is
refilled. Enter a battle and have the Fire Spirit cast HP Restore, healing
the humans. Repeat as necessary.
=>Spirit Energy: Keep moving left and right to rebuild your spirit's power.
=>Chapter Select: On the title screen, press D [SELECT]x2 X Y [SELECT]x2
[L] [R] [SELECT]x2 L R U, then press the appropriate button from the list.
However, using this code will only advance the chapter and your status
levels; it will not give you the items you may need to beat those areas!
A - Stage 2 B - Stage 3 X - Stage 4 Y - Stage 5